“…strengths of the millennial is its creative side”- Franck Allessie

Our millennial, Franck Allessie, a PhD thesis candidate at the University of Paris whose research focuses on the analysis of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) agreements and its geo-economic issues in the West and Central African sub-regions is indeed a notable personality to be mentioned.

For several years now, he has acquired, as a counsel to public persons (State, public institutions and local authorities), financial institutions, multinationals, large companies, NGOs, a rich and varied experience in the field of public-private partnerships (PPP), DSP, public procurement in the execution of contracts. He has also garnered experience in the fields of external financial relations, protection of personal data, intellectual property, drafting, review and comments of commercial and industrial agreements and the development of economic activities on the African and European Continent. Furthermore, his involvement in various sectors of activity: infrastructure (roads, ports, seaports, railways or airports), energy, transport, associated equipment, energy performance, telecommunications, defence and security, health, sports, cultural and leisure facilities, education, water, sanitation, renewable energy, loan contracts, public loans and guarantees, personal data, etc., has enabled him become a better legal consultant.

Coming from the French business law firm, Fidal, in Paris, he now practices his profession from two West African countries (Senegal and Ivory Coast) within the Khaled Houda law firm for clients established throughout the world.

While chatting with The PALM on what makes practice exciting for him; he noted that his role is above all to accompany and advise clients on legal and regulatory matters so that they remain within the law or, on the contrary, that they assert their rights. Also, what he finds exciting in this job is the fact that he actively participates in projects of public interest for the well-being of the populations of a country or a region, but also to be constantly alert and challenging in view of the specificity, purpose and technicality of the cases to be dealt with. He positively asserts that this is a very stimulating experience for him.


Franck Allissee: Africa’s Legal Millennial

On what his philosophy of impacting the nation through the practice of the Iaw, Franck understands that the law is a social phenomenon which cannot be approached without taking into account the society that lives it. Moreover, he posits that the law exists and subsists only in a delicate balance with the social terroir from which it originates; and the laws in every society serve to guarantee and preserve its existence and identity.  He also estimates that, in order to be applicable, the law should enjoy the consensus of society, deriving from its mentality and culture.

On the next big thing he would be working on, he reveals to us that his next project is a very confidential and will impact the field of telecommunications which will revolutionise connectivity and ICTs.

Finally, on what he considers the millennial’s strength. For him, the greatest challenge lies in the combination of innovation, reactivity and creativity.  He understands that in an ever-changing world, innovation is a means to achieve strategic goals, improve competitiveness, differentiate oneself and create value. Therefore, being reactive for him means being able to adapt quickly to a situation or a problem. It also means putting in place and exploiting available resources to resolve a given situation. Of course, in the fastest and most qualitative way possible. He also states that for centuries, things have been said, written in books and works. He estimates that one of the strengths of the millennial is its creative side, i.e. the ability to use one’s imagination to generate ideas that will (perhaps) lead to the creation of something.

For him, these three words are the strength of the millennial.

Click here to read our previous millennial, Shathani Somolekae