“Millennials do not have a dearth or scarcity of information. It is possible to have a revolution in a day. We are an empowered generation”- Shadrack Wambui
In this millennial edition, we feature, Shadrack Wambui an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and the Chairperson of the Sheria Mtaani na Shadrack Wambui which is a non-governmental organization that is focused on providing free legal aid to persons from the slums. Shadrack has always been keen on developing experience on constitutional law and criminal law. His involvement in some of the novel cases in Kenya has certainly given him an opportunity of advocating for the rights of the less privileged in the Kenyan society including women, young girls and children. He is a highly motivated, creative and a professional worker with competent experience in Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms awareness and protection. Shadrack has also got excellent management, negotiation, counseling and research skills. He endeavors to live in a reconciled society where women are given an equal opportunity as men. Shadrack is a recipient of the Community Hero of the year 2021 in Sports Personality of the Year Awards (SOYA). He was nominated as the young lawyer of the year 2019 Elected Chairperson sports Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA); he is a member of the Student Governing Convention; and was granted Chairperson of the year awards Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Committee of the Year Awards.
1. What makes legal practice exciting for Shadrack?
Shadrack understands that legal practice is daunting as a task but it can also be eventful, memorable and most importantly exciting in so many ways. He believes it is exciting to give the hopeless hope and answers to their many unanswered questions and to lessen the load of persons that have endured and understood life as a burden through the practice of the law. He cherishes the moments clients have sobbed in court in disbelief and hugged me tightly in the presence of the judge and/or magistrate after years of court battles and after a favourable judgment was delivered in their favour. On the two occasions this has happened, his heart melted with joy and excitement. Moreover, the assurance that with every legal exploit, every legal task or challenge there will be a lesson or two to learn makes legal practice a worthy career to pursue means a lot to him. He hopes that during the day of judgment as Christians are assured, that he will not miss the opportunity to practice law.
2. What is his philosophy of impacting the nation through the practice of the law?
Shadrack was born and raised in the slums of Mathare in Nairobi City. Growing up, he faced a lot of inequality, discrimination and neglect or constant violation of our rights and fundamental freedoms by the police and the privileged class. It is no wonder that he gives the under privileged in our society some special attention. He knows he cannot address all the injustices that these group of persons face at one go. But he is committed to transforming his people’s lives through the gradual and strategic litigation that will ultimately change the nations perception and influence national debates. He had previously agitated for the right to vote for prisoners for all the elective positions in Kenya, he has championed for the recognition of the Rastafarian Society in Kenya and succeeded in returning a young rasta back to class after she was thrown out of class for keeping Rastas. Through Sheria Mtaani na Shadrack Wambui (an NGO based in Mathare), they have approached the court seeking the mandatory representation of all persons charged with sexual offences that attract a maximum sentence of up to life imprisonment and questioned the decision of the Judicial Service Commission in its employment of magistrates. It is his sincere hope that his life and dedication to the practice of law will be meaningful and memorable long after he has left this earth.
3. What is the next big thing he is working on?
He is currently committed to enhancing the image of Sheria Mtaani na Shadrack Wambui. This is an idea born out of necessity. His friends have been supportive and determined to nurture the idea. He guarantees you that Sheria Mtaani na Shadrack Wambui will gradually but surely influence Kenyan jurisprudence and maybe that of Africa. He believes it is Sheria Mtaani na Shadrack Wambui time to take advantage of Kenya’s infant Constitution. And with the Constitutional Amendment Bill (2020) that proposes a change in governance and the Constitution, Sheria Mtaani na Shadrack Wambui’s presence is timely and valuable. He encourages everyone to be patient and expectant of its momentous contributions to Kenya’s jurisprudence.
4. What does he consider the millennials greatest strength?
Shadrack believes the millennial generation should pride itself with innovation and creativity that has so far transformed the world. He understands that millennials are better placed to grow mentally and spread influence within and without boarders because of the space created by the social media. He knows that millennials have easy access to internet, we have the innovations of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Telegram that have eased interactions. Shadrack notes, “millennials do not have a dearth or scarcity of information. It is possible to have a revolution in a day. We are an empowered generation.”
5. Who in the profession does he look up to? And what are you currently reading?
He admires and idolizes Mr. Danstan Omari, an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya; an outstanding law lecturer worthy the title and respect. He was Shadrack’s teacher at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, his alma mata and thereafter he accepted to be his pupil master as he took him under his wings in Musyoki Mogaka & Co. Advocates. Shadrack is proud he was his first pupil. For Shadrack, Mr. Omari’s story is that of resilience, determination and enterprise and has been previously captured as ‘from a headteacher to the corridors of Justice.’ Mr. Omari became a High School teacher and struggled to law school thus becoming an Advocate and a law lecturer after obtaining his master’s degree. It is perhaps true that the reason for his philanthropy and support for young advocates like Shadrack and others is purely motivated by his selfless desire to see others succeed as he has done. Shadrack prays that God grants him more life and opportunities. Shadrack is currently rereading Dambisa Moyo’s ‘Dead Aid’. It is a book that changed my perception of aid and handouts. “Young men and women should struggle to work and earn a living for themselves and not borrowing and living out of the sweat of others.”, Shadrack notes.
The PALM considers Shadrack Wambui a legal millennial who has shown exceptional radiance in the field of legal practice.
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Click here to read our previous millennial, Larona Somolekae
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